Monday, May 23, 2011


Entry deadlines for upcoming July tournaments are creeping up on us. Please sign up for July events this week or early next week.
We have openings for two Bethel Tournaments.
JUNE 2: JV at 5:00 PM & 6:00 PM, Varsity 7:00 PM & 8:00 PM. We need 2 or 3 Freshmen and Sophomores to complete the JV team.
JUNE 9: JV at 5:00 PM & 6:00 PM, Varsity 7:00 PM & 8:00 PM. We need 5 or 6 more Varsity and JV players. Freshmen and Sophomores are welcome. THIS IS A FREE TOURNAMENT. Please contact a coach and sign up.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Mustang coaches would like to finish interviewing all Mustang basketball players before the end of the school year. Contact Mike Kauls or Zig Kauls to make an interview appointment. Coach Zig Kauls will be available for interviews most Open Gym nights 6:30 PM-9:00 PM. Get a good start on the summer with a solid plan of improvement.